Sunday, August 1, 2010

why keep it to yourself?

It's that song you scream at the top of your lungs when you are in your car because you love it, but you'd never admit it to even your best friends. Or the four inch stiletto heels in your closet that kill your feet when you wear them, but you'd swear they are the most comfortable thing in the world if anyone ever had the nerve to ask you. Admit it. We each have a wonderfully (and maybe not so secret) guilty little pleasure. Whether it's obsessively scouring online for the perfect vintage railroad tie wine rack for my dining room, or browsing the local beauty aisle for the perfect fuchsia nail polish, my guilty little pleasure is discovering that delicious little find that I never knew I couldn't live without. Secret's out--now you know :) I LOVE design...and usually my little addiction leads me to wonderfully creative and inspiring finds that I just can't keep all to myself after all. Typography, damask, architecture, tiffany blue boxes, photography, dark chocolate, vintage woodcuts, americana, silhouettes, letterpress anything, apple green, gorgeous flowing doesn't take much to make me a happy gal. I'm inspired by bright colors, modern graphics, and classic details. Keep an eye out for all my favorite things to come--I'll be highlighting new designers, and some famous favs--and be sure to share your guilty little pleasure.

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